Heart Healing, Deliverance, and Physical Healing.

May 15, 2013

I’ve found after ministering to hundreds of people over the years that Everything links together. What’s in the soul, comes out in the body. Traumas from grief, sorrow, broken heartedness, pain, fears, buried anger, bitterness, hate, hopelessness, guilt, and shame, if not dealt with in a biblical way, will sooner or later come out in the body. What’s the answer? Identify the issues, Release, Forgive, and allow The Lord to heal and restore the soul. Ps 23:3 minister deliverance and then minister healing to the wounded parts, operating in a simple and bold faith. Speak and impart healing to the Spirit, Soul, and Body.



Hardcore Christianity and the House of Healing

May 15, 2013

Hardcore Christianity and the House of Healing is dedicated to helping individuals who are afflicted by mental & emotional illness & demonic oppression. Our goal is to promote awareness to the international Christian community of the need to return to a true and accurate presentation of the gospel by reintroducing healing, deliverance & the Baptism of the Holy Spirit into the Christian churches. Jesus called these ministries “miracles” (Mt. 12:28, Mk. 16:17). Bro. Mike is a professional counselor with 31 years experience and Sister Karen is a professional teacher with 20 years experience.

Through the use of the Greek New Testament we are able to enlighten the message of the true gospel presented in the Bible. Our desire is to assist you into the presence of the Spirit of Jesus where you will find healing, revelation, rest & deliverance from all strongholds of Satan.

The House of Healing is a discipleship training center for healing & deliverance and is not a church. Our goal is to see the bondage of sin, sickness & spiritual confusion leave your life forever! We have seen thousands delivered from spirits & hundreds healed. We are one of the very few authentic “Full Gospel” ministries of the Spirit operating in the U.S.
