I got a late night call from a psychiatrist. A 40 year old male patient (Jacob) had demons speaking out of his mouth. She said, “Nothing in all my schooling…

Thirty year old Isabella came to me because she had bouts of feeling so alone that she just wanted to die. The only child of a prostitute, and with no…

In love and newly married, twenty-four year old Alyssa came to me deeply troubled. Each time her new husband approached or touched her sexually, she would cringe and instantly be…

Attractive and financially successful, forty-three year old Mallory had many men in her life, but still suffered extreme loneliness. Every relationship with a man had been brief, sexual, and empty….

  Recently married, twenty-nine year old Jerry, was raised in a single parent home, by his atheist father. Jerry’s new wife led him to the Lord, and the new in-laws…

Inner Healing and Deliverance can heal sadness, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Twenty three year old Janet was brought to me by her father Gary. She suffered from extreme sadness, depression…

  A married, twenty-two year old graduate student, Connie said she came to me because, “I’m emotionally shut down, I seem to lose time during the day, and I feel…

  Prayed inner healing and deliverance three months ago with forty year old Kim. Ever since, she’s been diligent about watching for the effects of old wounds from her past,…

  Tall and beautiful, thirty year old Sadie was referred to me by her fiance Shawn. He told me she flew into a rages over every small things, and they…

A seventy-seven year old grandmother was referred to me because of disabling abandonment she’d carried for forty years. Martha was raised in a Christian home, became a Christian at nine…

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